B.C. Labour Market Outlook, 2021 Edition
Client: B.C. Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training
Type of product: Annual report
Target audience: Government, industry and education staff and general public
Dates: September 2022 to January 2022
Details: The B.C. government publishes an annual 10-year forecast describing the current supply and demand for labour and projections for the coming years. It includes detailed economic analysis and extensive tables. While written for specialists in government, industry and education to prepare for future needs, the report is also used by students and job-seekers planning their employment future. As a result, the report must be technically sound, but accessible and usable by the general public. Polestar worked from text drafted by Ministry staff and edited or rewrote it to ensure it was clear, readable, accurate and consistent. Polestar also wrote text for an infographic poster highlighting key themes from the report.
Sample text: To download a PDF of the report, go to B.C.’s Labour Market Outlook: 2021 Edition, and the infographics page.