Illegal Firearms
Task Force Report
Client: B.C. Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
Type of product: Special report
Target audience: Ministry staff and general public
Dates: August 2016 to October 2017
Details: The B.C. government appointed a task force to gather information on the sale, trafficking and use of illegal firearms in British Columbia, and to draft a report describing the scope of the issue, the social and legal context, and recommendations for action. Polestar worked with the task force lead to attend meetings of the task force and public consultation meetings; summarize technical reports; develop recommendations; and draft all text. We then revised the text based on reviews from task force members and Ministry staff until a final version was accepted. The final report reflected sensitive topics, including conflicting views about the value and process of regulating firearms, and the different interests of various parties on the task force. Most of the recommendations have subsequently been acted upon or are in progress.
Sample text: To download a PDF of the report, go to the Final Report of the Illegal Firearms Task Force.